The Apeiron Difference

Apeiron offers a unique genetic test kit that is not direct to consumer. Your information is private and secure. It is not kept, shared or sold to any other organization. Your name isn't even on the test, but a special code is on it that represents you. This is our promise to you. Apeiron's proprietary array is the only genetic testing currently available that has been used in a clinical model for validation of the power of precision epigenetic lifestyle modifications. Our array looks at over 760,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms and we report only those variances that can be modified through actionable lifestyle strategies. These powerful epigenetic lifestyle modulators are delivered through our certified coaches to assist yo to take the reins of destiny to enhance your health and wellbeing.

No more guessing or the "one-size fits all" model. Now is your time to harness the power of your genetic code so you can access your limitless potential to thrive.

How we start the adventure of you!

  1. It's as easy as a cheek swab with the Apeiron Genetic Array test kit. The results take 3-4 weeks.

  2. Meet with me (in-person or virtual) to review your optimization blueprint.

  3. Receive your personalized report with all my interpretations and recommendations specifically for YOU!

  4. 45-minute coaching session to get thou started on implementation of recommendations, and go over any questions you may have.

What to expect from YOUR Epigenetic Report:

Nutrition Report:

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Genetics are responsible for determining physical traits such as hair and eye color, however, genetics are probability/propensity, not guaranteed. For instance, genetics may program for brown hair, yet hair color typically changes as an individual ages. This process is an example of epigenetic; how the environment affects genetics. In this example the hair color (brown or grey) is referred to as the 'expression'. One of the most impactful ways to affect epigenetic expression is through nutrition. This report covers three areas that have a strong impact on epigenetic expression; food sensitivities, eating behaviors, and macronutrients.

The food sensitivity genetics relate to the body's response to food such as dairy or gluten. Eating behavior genetics consider propensity towards snacking habits and sweet consumption. Understanding macronutrient ratios (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) is the foundation for developing nutrition plans. Understanding genetic blueprint is pivotal to optimize expression.

Nutrition is one of the most impactful ways to affect epigenetic expression. There are two genetics-informed strategies to approach nutrition; nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Nutrigenetics is eating solely based on genetics; following genetic propensity regardless of goals or lifestyle. Nutrigenomics is eating and supplementation to optimize epigenetic expression; strategically consuming nutrients based on the combination of genetics, goals, and lifestyle. While going through this report, an epigenetic coach can assist an individualized strategic nutrition plan based on nutrigenomics.

Supplementation Report:

Like the Nutrition section, nutrigenomics is eating and supplementation to optimize epigenetic expression, strategically consuming nutrients based on the combination of genetics, goals, and lifestyle. Supplementation, obtaining micronutrients from nonfood sources, is the second half of nutrigenomics. Many people believe micronutrients should come solely from food however modern farming techniques have impacted the nutrient levels in food. The nutrients in vegetable are much lower now than they were 100 years ago.

In addition, our ancestors historically lived in the same environments for generations and their bodies (genes) adapted accordingly . Since them technology has increased the ability to easily travel around the world. Ease of travel has encouraged blending genetic profiles from a wide variety of environments. Today it is almost impossible to find the environment our genes are optimized for , instead we use supplementation to enhance our genetic expression. This is why the genetic blueprint is so impactful for precise recommendation. Through nutrigenomics, strategic supplementation can prevent deficiencies and optimize performance. Several of the nutrients in this report can be found in a high quality multivitamin.

Sleep Report:


33% of your life is spent sleeping.

Sleep is the cornerstone of the human system. If sleep is out of balance, no other area will function effectively. No only is it foundational, it is the most ignored performance enhancing activity. It is the most impactful and yet often the most neglected area of wellness.

Humans are able to change gene expression with lifestyle changes. Sleep genes are a little different, typically the most effective way to optimize expression is by following your genetic blueprint and keeping healthy sleep habits.

Studies show sleep deprivation and alcohol consumption have the similar effects on cognition. Two hours of sleep loss is the equivalent to drinking 2-3 beers; 8 hours of sleep loss has the same effect as having 10-11 beers.

Sleep needs to be optimized in order to benefit from exercise, weight loss, and cognitive performance.

More Epigenetic Reports Available

  • Environmental Detox

  • Athletic Performance

  • Hormones

  • Comprehensive Report: Compilation of all 6 Genomic Reports